Money Doesn’t Have to be Confusing.

I’ll teach you how to budget confidently, pay off debt completely, and save intentionally.

Financial Coaching:

What We Do

Personal finance is stressful. Budgets are confusing. The money doesn’t stretch far enough every month. Money shouldn’t feel like this, should it?

Through hour-long financial coaching sessions, you’ll get in-depth help on paying off debt and developing a budget that works for you — and is simplified so you can stick to it.

Don’t keep doing what doesn’t work. Don’t be stressed about money any longer. Now is the time to make a change for your future and get your money under control.

Financial Coaching:

Here’s How it Works

Set up

15 minute free consultation

Fill out

your Financial Snapshot

Meet for

your first financial coaching session!

Options for Meeting

Meet in Person

I love meeting in person because I can talk to you face to face about your finances. It feels more personal. This option is great for those who like face to face contact. Normally this would happen at a coffee shop or a similar venue.

Meet Virtually

Virtual meetings are incredibly convenient if you have a busy schedule. Also, it minimizes that contact everyone is trying to avoid these days! This would likely happen through Zoom but I’m flexible on how we meet virtually.

Why work with me?

Hi, I’m Caleb and I help people make a budget and control their money so they are no longer stressed about their finances.

I’ve been budgeting successfully for three years and my wife, Bailey, and I are debt free aside from our home mortgage.

I’ve been trained by Ramsey Solutions as a financial coach (check out the certificate!).

I understand everyone is different. Everyone approaches money from a unique perspective. Which is why I’m committed to working with you to make a budget that you understand.

What’s the price?

The overall price will depend on you and your situation and how many sessions we have together. For financial coaching, most people average about 5 sessions. However, everyone has different situations. Some have more debt than others. Some have a better handle on budgeting than others. This depends more on you and with what you feel most comfortable.

My starting price per one-hour session is $60. Within the Ramsey Financial Coaching network, most prices for coaching sessions sit between $100-$200 per hour. Mine are discounted as I’m building up my client base.

Why should I pay for coaching when I can use that money on my debt?

Because working with me will save you the money you spend on coaching multiple times over. I’ll teach you how to budget and from that, you’ll be able to save more money and pay off more debt.

I guarantee it.

Satisfaction Guaranteed

Worried this won’t work for you? No worries. If you don’t think this is worth the money, I will give you your money back for the most recent coaching session together. There is no risk!

Ready to make a change?

Seriously, now is the time to make the change. Schedule a call below right now. I can’t wait to hear from you!

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